Gubernur Anies Tinjau Lab Container COVID-19 terbaru di RSKD Duren Sawit
Selasa, 16 Juni 2020
Anies Baswedan
Hari Minggu (Ahad 14/6/2020) kemarin mengunjungi Lab Container COVID-19 terbaru di RSKD Duren Sawit. Kini Pemprov DKI Jakarta memiliki 4 lab pemeriksaan PCR COVID-19: Labkesda, RSUD Tarakan, Labcon RSUD Pasar Minggu, Labcon RSKD Duren Sawit. Alhamdulillah, kita berkolaborasi, bergotong-royong dengan Lab pemerintah pusat, Lab BUMN dan Lab swasta, sehingga DKI Jakarta memiliki jaringan 41 lab testing dengan total kapasitas mencapai 5.135 tes spesimen per hari, atau 35.945 tes spesimen per minggu.
Target tes WHO adalah 1.000 orang dites PCR per sejuta penduduk per minggu (bukan spesimen, dan rapid test tidak dihitung), yg untuk Jakarta artinya sekitar 10.645 orang dites per minggu. Target ini telah Jakarta lampaui selama beberapa waktu. Dalam seminggu terakhir ada 18.105 orang di Jakarta dites PCR.
Berkat gotong royong 41 lab tersebut, per 15 Juni kemarin kita secara kumulatif telah memeriksa tes PCR 211.411 spesimen dan 102.923 orang di DKI Jakarta. Jadi total tes PCR COVID-19 DKI Jakarta kini telah mencapai 9.669 per sejuta penduduk.
Sementara itu, jumlah rapid test (RDT) di DKI Jakarta hingga 15 Juni adalah sebanyak 179.213 tes.
Kapasitas pemeriksaan ini akan terus ditingkatkan, karena kita mengaktifkan pencarian kasus (active case finding). Sekarang kita tidak hanya menunggu ada orang sakit datang ke faskes, tapi juga aktif mencari orang-orang yang sudah terpapar tapi tanpa gejala (OTG), agar mereka tahu sudah terpapar dan bisa isolasi diri atau yang perlu dirawat segera bisa dirawat.
Karena itulah ke depan kita akan melihat kenaikan grafik kasus positif, walaupun masih dalam rentang normal 8-9% positivity rate (temuan positif dibanding jumlah tes PCR). Pengetesan itu sekarang hampir 2,5 kali lipat tiap hari, tujuannya menyelamatkan warga. Jadi bukan sekadar bertujuan menurunkan grafik, tujuan kita adalah menyelamatkan setiap warga Jakarta.
Last Sunday we visited the newly-operated COVID-19 Container Lab at RSKD Duren Sawit. Jakarta Provincial Government now owns four PCR labs for COVID-19 testing: LABKESDA, RSUD Tarakan, Labcon RSUD Pasar Minggu, Labcon RSKD Duren Sawit.
Praise be to Allah, we've been collaborating with central government labs, SOE labs and private labs, making a network of 41 labs with a total capacity of 5,135 daily specimen tests, or 35,945 weekly.
The WHO standard is 1,000 persons tested with PCR per million population per week (not specimens, and only with PCR). Thus, Jakarta needs to test 10,645 persons per week. Jakarta has surpassed this milestone for quite some time. Just during the last week there has been 18,105 Jakartans tested.
Thanks to the collaboration of 41 labs, up til yesterday (June 15, 2020) we had conducted PCR tests for 211,411 specimens and 102,923 persons. Thus the total PCR tests in DKI Jakarta has now reached 9,669 per million inhabitants. Meanwhile, there were 179,213 rapid tests (RDT) conducted in DKI Jakarta until June 15.
We will keep increasing our testing capacity, especially as we are now pursuing active case finding. We're actively looking for people who are already exposed but are maybe still asymptomatic (OTG). This is done to make sure that they quickly realize their condition and can self-isolate or be treated immediately.
Active case finding is one reason we might still see an increase in daily positive cases, although it is still within the normal range of 8-9% positivity rate (positive findings compared to the number of tested persons). Our ultimate goal is saving lives. So instead of merely aiming at lowering the chart, we aim to keep increasing our tests and case findings in order to save every Jakartans.