FPI Official Press Release: The Highway Massacre


Sabtu, 19 Desember 2020



The Highway Massacre

There were several voice notes that were circulating in the social media. The authorities had used partial of these voice notes and twist the facts to their advantage to slander the 6 FPI guards (The Laskars) who were alledgedly massacred by the police force. 

The 6 unarmed Laskars were among the convoy of cars traveling in Jakarta -Cikampek highway carrying the Honourable Imam Habib Rizieq Shihab (IB-HRS), women, 3 babies and toddlers. There were at least three unmarked cars making an attempt to intrude into the motorcade of IB-HRS to which the car with 6 unarmed laskars tried to prevent.

If the voice notes were to be carefully examines we can easily understand that it contains partial recording of series of communication between the Laskar in motorcade who were in distress due to being attacked by several unmarked cars from different direction, making hostile maneuvers to the vehicle of the 6 unarmed laskars. 

Common sense would indicate that the voices in the recording were telephone communication suggesting on how to avoid and defend themselves from the aggression and the intrusion. At that time it was unknown to the Laskars nor the entourage the identity of the aggressor, as they were not dressed in uniform. 

We would like to emphasize on the fact that ever since the authorities have been spying on IB-HRS home in Sentul , none have ever identified themselves as the police or law enforcement.

Up to the point when they ambushed the six unarmed Laskars, there’s never been any claimed from the police that any warrant (letter authorizing an arrest) was ever displayed nor have they ever declared their identity . We never suspect the intruder were the police , as far as our concern they could be highway-robbers. 

Only later in the day that we discovered their true identity when Jakarta Police Department (POLDA Metro) announced their involvement in the incident in the form of press conference which was obviously depraved.

In our mission to clarify the incident we wish to present the following sequence of events in chronology ; 

Sunday, 6 DECEMBER 2020 AT 22: 45 WIB:

Late Sunday evening after 10 p.m IB-HRS and his family depart in motorcade from his home in Nature Mutiara Sentul Bogor Housing.The motorcade was then entered the Jagorawi highway heading North towards Jakarta then made exit at the Cikunir Outer Ring road to merge with the Cikampek Highway , heading East with destination Rest and Health Recovery area in Karawang.

IB-HRS Entourage consists of 8 Cars:

4 Cars – IB-HRS and his family

4 Cars – team of FPI unarmed Laskarsacting as personal guards for IB-HRS .

The family group consists of:

1. Male: IB-HRS and Son-in-law , an Ustad (cleric) and his family and 3 drivers.

2. Women and Children: 12 Women, 3 Infants and 6 Toddlers.

3. FPI Laskar (soldier) : 24 people in 4 cars, each car occupied by 6 Laskar including the driver

Since their departure from the Nature Mutiara Sentul housing complex, the motorcade were being followed by a Black Avanza car with Licence Plate B 1739 PWQ & Silver Avanza Licence Plate B …… KJD, as well as several other cars which remain to be unknown .

FPI Laskar team and IB-HRS family witnessed that all of the surveillance cars had been spotted suspiciously on stand by for the last 2 days within the vicinity of Nature Mutiara Sentul Housing and inside the vehicles they saw unidentified people wearing masks.

In the highway in their journey to Krawang , there were efforts from several cars to intercede into the IB-HRS motorcade. However their attempt to do so was always prevented by FPI-Laskar’s cars . 

The duty of the FPI Laskar team is to protect the IB-HRS family and guest , therefore they only react toward aggression and intrusion of any uninvited vehicle intruding and /or approaching the vehicle of IB HRS and his family.

We wish to emphasize the facts that through out the journey to Krawang there were many attempt of hostile maneuvers by the surveillance cars to the motorcade. 

The reaction from the FPI-laskar was only to prevent and to avoid them to break into the line of our convoy. The Laskars observed that those aggressors never identified themselves as the police or officers of the law. Their behaviour in the highway does not represent the behavior of police but was more like a thug. 

They were highly dangerous and threaten the safety and the lives of the entourage which beside IB-HRS, there were also women, infants and toddlers. 

One specific thug like incident , among others, was when the motorcade made their way to Cikunir toll road. 

The car driven by Habib Hanif was approached side way by a black unverified SUV (maybe Fortuner or Pajero) with a license plate B 1771 KJL, the driver of the car opened the window and emergehimself from the car showing off his tattooed arm addressed to Habib Hanif's car, while holding up his middle finger. 

MONDAY , DECEMBER 7th 2020 at 00 : 10 WIB : 

After making exit at East Karawang, we spotted 3 surveillance cars; namely Black Avanza B 1739 PWQ, Silver Avanza B ---- KJD & White Avanza K ---- EL . These are the cars that were always trying to break their way into the convoy of IB-HRS entourage. 

The situation inside the vehicles of IB-HRS and family were tense, in full alert and were praying for safety.

Fortunately 2 of the FPI Laskar cars were able to push away the 3 surveillance Cars from tailgating the cars of IB-HRS family and guest. 

The position of these 2 laskar cars were at the end of the motorcade. One of the two laskar’s car was a green metallic Chevrolet with license plate B 2152 TBN occupied by 6 FPI Laskars from DKI Jakarta who later all of them died after being ambushed and slaughtered by the Police.

The bright side of the incident, if any, was that the 2 laskar’s cars which positioned were at the end of the motorcade were able to allow IB-HRS family and group to break away from the terror coming from the 3 surveillance cars. Those 3 cars were identified as;

1. Black Avanza B 1739 PWQ

2. Silver Avanza Silver B KJD (the numeric was unable to be identified)

3. White Avanza K EL (the numeric was unable to be identified).

After motorcade exited the East Karawang Toll Gate, one of the Laskar’s car, the Avanza, was being forced by one of the intruder’s car to pull over , luckily the Lasker in the Avanza managed to escape and drove towards the West Karawang Toll Gate, then entered the Cikampek highway and decided to take a rest at KM 57 Resting Area.

In the meantime the other Laskar’s Car (Chevrolet B 2152 TBN) was separated from the other Laskar’s car, the Avanza. Based on their latest communication with the Avanza we learn that.Chevrolet B 2152 TBN was heading towards the West Karawang toll gate when they were being ambushed and captured by the 3 intruders and then they were brutally killed.

At the time, one of the Laskar who was in the Avanza car, the one who was resting at km.57, was still able to communicate with Sufyan alias Bang Ambon, the Laskar who was in a Chevrolet B 2152 TBN. 

From the cell phone the Laskar in the Avanza was informed by Sufyan alias Bang Ambon that he was surrounded but he insist for the Laskar in the Avanza to keep going when the Laskar in the Avanza heard his friend Bang Ambon shouted “shoot here shoot”, indicating that Bang Ambon was at gun point which was followed by human sound in low voice suffering from excruciating pain which can only be described that Bang Ambon was executed. 

Other Laskar in the group was also able to make contact with Faiz (the other Laskar in Chevrolet B 2152 TBN) . 

This laskar also heard similar sound of someone who was in deep pain as if he had been shot but before he could confirm the phone was disconnected.

We lostcontact with the 6 Laskar who were in the Chevrolet and until Monday afternoon of 7th of January their where about was unknown. .

These are the 6 Laskars who were the victims of the highway massacre:


1 ANDI OKTIAWAN /Jakarta, 29 October 1987/ 33 Years

 Bruises and swolen in left cheek

 Gunshot wounds in the left eye

 3 gunshot wounds in the left chest

 Blistered in the skin around the spine 

 5 cm scuffed in the head 

 Swolen skin in the buttocks

2 AHMAD SOFIYAN (Bang AMBON)/ Jakarta, 06 July 1994/ 26 Years

 2 gunshot wounds in the left chest

 Swolen and bruises in the Penis.

3 FAIZ AHMAD SYUKUR (FAIZ)/ 15 September 1998/ 22 Years

 Swolen in the forehead

 2 gunshot wounds in the left chest (one above the nipple and one below the nipple)

 Stiches in the neck

 gunshot wounds in right leg

 gunshot wounds in left hand

4 MUHAMMAD REZA (REZA)/ Jakarta, 07 June 2000/ 20 Years

 Bruises and swolen in the left cheek and forehead, blackened

 Swolen in the left arm

 Swolen and bruises in the Penis

 Still bleeding in the rear wound

5 LUTFI HAKIM /27 September 1996/ 25 Years

 All the skin in the rear body swolen

 4 gunshot wounds in the left chest . A hole in the chest, blackened

 Swolen and bruises in the Penis

6 MUHAMMAD SUCI (KHADAVI)/ Born in 1999/ 21 years

 Swolen in the left eye

 4 gunshot wounds in the left chest (one above the nipple and one below the nipple)

When the Laskar in the Avanza car was taking a rest at KM 57, they also noticed that they were being gaze at, there were drones being deployed. After 1 hour resting at KM 57, they left and headed for the FPI office in Karawang taking the West Karawang toll gate access.

When entering the West Karawang toll road, the Laskar in the Avanza retrace the location of their friend in the Chevrolet B 2152 TBN and they went to location to what was estimated to be 

the scene of the crime but to their disappointment they did not find the 6 Laskar who were left behind to which later discovered they were all killed by the police.

Again on the way to the FPI Office in Karawang the Laskar in the Avanza was being followed but managed to escape as they took the narrow roads in the village and finally they arrived at FPI office in Karawang safely.

Later in the day the chief of police of POLDA Metro Jaya held a press conference and announced that the 6 FPI Laskarswere shot dead in self defence. 

What was conveyed by the chief of police was completely opposite with what really happens. It was a complete lies and totally fictional. We hereby deny all statement and claims from the chief of police with regard to the killing of the 6 laskars. We demand responsibility for the death of the 6 unarmed laskar. 

We hereby swear and confirmed the following; 

1. It is NOT TRUE that the 6 Laskarswere the party who attacked the Police, oncontrary it was the Police who initiate the aggression , attacked and then killed the unarmed laskars in cold blood.

2. It is NOT TRUE that the 6 Laskars was in possession of any firearms, weapon of any kind nor did they commit any shooting.

3. All weapons publicly displayed by the POLDA Chief of Police in the press conference are fabricated exhibits , fake, with cruel intention to deceive the public and to cover up the massacre. 

4. The aggressor , the Polic,e was not wearing uniform and they do not reflects the conduct of officers of the law and they never identified themselves as the Police when they unlawfully executed the 6 Laskars.

5. There are 19 gunshot wounds found in the body of 6 laskars , how can this justify a self defence by the Police?

6. The burden of prove is with the police. If they claimed that they act in self defence they have the obligation to prove to the public that the shooters who killed the 6 laskars were in imminent danger, the police have to prove that they were in a kill or to be killed situation. 

7. There was no shread of evidence that any of the 6 laskars fired a gun , own any weapons of whatsoever. There is no trace of projectiles anywhere to suggest gun was fired by the 6 laskars. 

8. The torturing and killing of 6 laskars wasobviously extra judicial killing and it is gross violations of human rights, it shall be construed as a crime against humanity. We have reasons to belive that it was systimatically premeditated and the State is involved, at the least they are guilty by omission. 

9. The main issue is just a minor violationof health protocols by IB-HRS. The pursuit, the energy and the law enforcement practiced by POLDA Metro and by the State was highly excessive. 

It also demonstrate discrimination in the enforcement of law to IB-HRS , this is true because at the same time the State the Police ignore similar violation by others throughout the Country. 

10. It is sadly ironic when obviously there was extra judicial killing of 6 Laskars was committed on December 7 2020, instead of pursuing for the killer of those Laskar , POLDA Metro prioritize their enforcement on declaring IB-HRS as the suspect of health protocols violation and the State remain silence and seem to support this policy. 

Central Leadership Council - Islamic Defenders Front

KH. Ahmad Shabri Lubis, S.Pd.I
