Awesome! Habib Rizieq Rebuts 10 Charges of Prosecutors at the First Session
Sunday, March 28, 2021, Jakarta - Habib Rizieq Syihab (HRS) has denied the ten charges by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) as outlined in the indictment. First, the accusation that Habib Rizieq had a medical examination at Cengkareng Airport when he arrived in Indonesia.
“I have never been checked for health at Cengkareng Airport. All the prosecutors' charges are lies and lies, even slander and heinous accusations, "said HRS when reading the exception on Friday (26/03/2021)
Second, the prosecutor stated that HRS received an explanation from the airport leadership about Coid-19. In fact, Habib Rizieq emphasized that he had not received an explanation from the Airport Management about Covid-19.
Third, the prosecutor said that HRS was informed about the obligation to be self-isolating for 14 days. In fact, Habib Rizieq was never told about the obligation to be self-isolated.
“The four of them were declared refusing 14 days of independent isolation. I have never refused to be self-isolated, in fact I have been isolated independently for more than one month, ”he explained.
The fifth charge, the prosecutor said that HRS deliberately headed for the airport crowd. Habib Rizieq emphasized that he never deliberately headed for the airport crowd, because from the plane door there were already many people and in the Airport Building there were tens of thousands of people.
"While outside the airport building I was waiting for the crowd, then I headed for my vehicle to go home and go home. Not towards the crowd, "he explained.
Sixth, HRS was deemed not to remind the crowd about Prokes. In fact, along the way, said HRS, I kept reminding the masses to obey the Prokes and take care of themselves and open roads so that I could go smoothly to the house and the masses could disperse back to their respective homes.
Seventh, the prosecutor assessed that HRS deliberately went to the crowd around his house after leaving the airport. HRS denied that he never made a crowd at home. "When I got home there was already a crowd," he said.
Eighth, the public prosecutor alleged that HRS did not disperse the crowd at his house. In fact, HRS stressed that it was he himself who had dispersed the crowd around his house and asked all to go home.
Ninth, the prosecutor said that HRS did not hand over the health clearance from Cengkareng airport to the local RT / RW. "Even though I just got a Covid-19 explanation letter from the airport on November 17, 2020, so I immediately started independent isolation," he said.
Tenth, the prosecutor claimed that HRS did not isolate independently at home. "Who says I am not self-isolating for 14 days? In fact, I was isolated independently for more than a month, "he concluded.
Source: kiblatnet and others