Come to the DPR, this is the statement of the IB-HRS Legal Counsel and the Families of the Victims of the KM 50 Tragedy


Thursday, October 28, 2021

KM 50

Dear :




Assalaamu 'Alaikum Wa Rohamatullahi Wa Barokaatuh,

We hereby legal counsel from IB-HRS and their families as well as all the families of the victims of the KM 50 Tragedy, please allow us to convey the IB-HRS MANDATE regarding SERIOUS HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS in the form of torture and torture as well as the massacre of 6 FPI Troops of IB-HRS Guards and their Families that occurred on Monday, December 7, 2020.

IB-HRS requests Commission 3 of the Indonesian House of Representatives to proactively participate in upholding the FAIR AND CIVILIZED HUMANITY PRINCIPLES for the Victims of the Km 50 Tragedy by summoning and demanding the accountability of the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and the ranks of the Indonesian National Police Chief and Attorney General and Komnas HAM. for the KM 50 Tragedy Trial which is currently being held at the South Jakarta District Court and is clearly visible only as a joke and jokes and heresies, so as to destroy the principles of ethics and morals in law enforcement in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.


               KM 50

             COURT OF JOKE



1. That the KM 50 Tragedy is a gross human rights violation that must be tried in a human rights court, not in an ordinary criminal court.

2. That currently the performance of the KM 50 Tragedy Session at the South Jakarta District Court is only based on the POLICE Reporting and POLICE Suspects, as well as POLICE Investigators and Witnesses who are also mostly POLICE.

3. Whereas the IB-HRS as the MAIN TARGET of the Reconnaissance, Stalking and Planned Assassination Operations in the KM 50 Tragedy since the incident until now has NEVER been questioned by either Komnas HAM or the POLICE and the Prosecutors.

4. That Komnas HAM has examined 130 thousand pieces of CCTV footage, but was unable to find a recording of a Black Land Cruiser that was present at KM 50 and it is strongly suspected that the DALANG EVENT was riding it. Even though the driver has been found and is known to be AKP Widy Irawan from Polda Metro Jaya. However, Komnas HAM did not report which officers were in the car and what their role was in the KM 50 Tragedy.

5. That Komnas HAM stated that Laskar FPI attacked officers only based on POLICE's statements, and it turns out that regarding the attack between Komnas HAM's statements, and the statements of the Metro Jaya Police Chief during a press release, as well as the statements of the perpetrators and witnesses in the trial, all of them are DIFFERENT.

Komnas HAM said two laskars attacked and were shot dead. And the Metro Police Chief said that 10 laskars attacked from outside the officer's car and shot dead 6 people, while 4 people ran away. Meanwhile, the perpetrators and witnesses in the trial made different statements that the officers who attacked the Laskar car and shot 2 soldiers, then captured 4 soldiers alive who were then put into the officer's car in a state not handcuffed, then they fought back in the officer's car so they were shot dead at close range.

6. That Komnas HAM deliberately ignored the VOICE NOTE EVIDENCE which recorded the voices of the FPI Laskar in the car and showed that they were shocked because they were being shot at and heard the sound of the soldiers groaning being shot in the car that was still sliding and being crushed.

7. That Komnas HAM ignored the VOICE NOTE EVIDENCE which recorded the voices of the FPI Laskars and showed that they never knew that it was the POLICE who were stalking and squeezing and shooting them, because the POLICE were not in uniform and did not use official cars, and never showed Police Identity Card.

8. That Komnas HAM ignored the VOICE NOTE EVIDENCE which recorded the voices of the FPI Laskars and showed that the IB-HRS family and the Guards Warriors only knew that there were GROUPS of EVIL stalking and squeezing and shooting, so that even if the Laskars fought back in the context of DEFENSE from attacks The EVIL, of course, cannot be blamed. And the fact is that the FPI Troops did not fight back, let alone attack, but only prevented the CRIMINALS from harming IB-HRS and his family.

9. That Komnas HAM did not actually take all CCTVs along the location of the incident, so that there were several CCTVs in KM 50 which were allowed to be taken and hidden by the POLICE, so that at this time they are not used as EVIDENCE in court.

10. That Komnas HAM also did not really guard the Location of KM 50 as the Location of the Incident, so that it was arbitrarily flattened and closed by the Authorities without any protest from Komnas HAM.

11. That Komnas HAM deliberately allowed the POLICE to destroy various evidences such as the location of the incident, CCTV, Black Land Cruiser, cellphones of the victims, etc., so that it is POSSIBLE to suspect that Komnas HAM and the POLICE carried out LIVE TRANSACTIONS in the settlement of the Km 50 Tragedy Case.

12. That Komnas HAM very *"Funny and Ridiculous"* made FPI LASKAR JOY'S LAUGHTER in the VOICE NOTE recording when IB-HRS escaped from the pursuit of the mob who at that time was suspected of being BEGAL, as EVIDENCE of the Laskar's mistakes. Even though FPI's HAPPY LAUGHTER is very reasonable, not proof of guilt, because anyone will be HAPPY LAUGHTER when they succeed in rescuing the LEADERS from the pursuit of EVIL.

13. Whereas the residents who were present at KM 50 at the time of the incident had their cellphones checked and all recordings of the incident were deleted.

14. That only the POLICE WITNESSES stated in the Session that MANY Firearms and Sharp Weapons in the Laskar FPI vehicles were killed, while the CITIZENS WITNESSES in the Trial rejected all of these items except that they only stated that at KM 50 there was only one sword carried by the POLICE , not by Laskar FPI, and the knife was placed by the POLICE on the table of their shop, from where and from whom, they do not know.

15. Whereas ONE KEY WITNESS from WORKERS at KM 50 was not used as a witness by the police or prosecutors in the trial, but as a witness at KOMNAS HAM, stated that he looked directly into the FPI Laskar Car and there was absolutely no Senpi or Sajam, not even a piece There was no wood, there was only an HT lying in a car with two soldiers being injured, while four soldiers were forced to get down and lay down on the asphalt road. Then the six Laskars alive were put into the officer's car and taken away somewhere.

16. Whereas in the Trial of the Tragedy Case KM 50 at the South Jakarta District Court, the PROSECUTOR's indictment was seen more as an EXPRESSION, even as a PLEDOI for the DEFENDANT rather than as an ATTACHMENT, so that after the reading of the indictment in the trial, the lawyers for the DEFENDANT openly praised and thanked the Prosecutor and stated that he did not apply for EXESPI again, because he had agreed with the contents of the PROSECUTOR's ATTENTION.

17. Whereas in the PROKES Violation Case only, not the Criminal Crime Case, METRO JAYA POLDA arrested many parties in the Maulid Nabi SAW committee in Petamburan, starting from the Advisor, Head of the Committee, Secretary, Treasurer, Equipment Section to the Security Section, and all of them were detained and put on trial until sentenced to prison. Even in the trial were presented DOzens of WITNESS starting from Tent Builders, RT, RW, Lurah, Camat, Head of KUA, Covid Task Force Team, Mayor, Head of Service to Director General of Ministries, and Expert Witnesses from various Expertise Fields.

However, in the case of SYSTEMATIC SADIST TORTURE AND MASSACLE against 6 unarmed civilians at KM 50, it turns out that the METRO JAYA POLDA only made 2 POLICE suspects and they have not been detained until now, and only presented perfunctory witnesses with the snares of Ordinary Murder.

18. Whereas the POLICE and the Prosecutor's Office deliberately underestimated the KM 50 case, so that many parties involved in the crimes against humanity were not touched or not questioned at all. Even though the KM 50 Tragedy Case is a PRODUCT OF OFFICIAL ORDERS that must drag all officials involved Horizontally or Vertically, especially before and after the KM 50 Tragedy there is a series of events that are interrelated and cannot be separated, so all parties must be *QUESTIONED FOR INFORMATION*, between other :

1) PRESIDENT JOKOWI on November 19, 2020, deployed the TNI KOOPSUS to Petamburan, just to pass by and stop while sounding the siren to terrorize the IB-HRS and Petamburan residents. KOOPSUS TNI is the TNI Special Operations Command which is a Combined Elite Force of the Army Chief of Staff, Air Force Special Forces Special Forces & Navy Marines, which can only be moved by PRESIDENT'S INSTRUCTIONS.

And on December 13, 2020, Jokowi in responding to the KM 50 Tragedy stated: *"The apparatus is protected by law, citizens cannot be arbitrary"*. This indicates that without an investigation, Jokowi has immediately justified the actions of the officers in the massacre of 6 Laskars at KM 50, while accusing the 6 victims of Laskar FPI of committing arbitrary acts."

Then the next day, on December 14, 2020, Jokowi refused the formation of the *"Independent Team for Investigation of the KM 50 Tragedy"* This shows Jokowi's indifference to Human Rights Enforcement, as well as wanting to protect the Sadistic Massacres in the KM 50 Tragedy.


On December 5, 2020, three BIN members who were infiltrating and spying on the IB-HRS at the Markaz Syariah Islamic Boarding School - Megamendung Bogor were arrested by FPI Troops, and released again after being identified as members of BIN, but from them FPI Laskars had received data on OPERATION POLEME for INTAI and KUNTIT IB-HRS whose target is strongly suspected *"END IB-HRS"*.

3) TNI PANGLIMA GENERAL HADI TJAHJANTO on November 21 instructed all KODAM and KORAMIL to reduce the IB-HRS Welcome Billboards throughout Indonesia.

4) PANGDAM JAYA MAYJEN TNI DUDUNG ABDURRAHMAN on November 20, 2020 held the APPLICATION OF FORCE at Monas and threatened IB-HRS and challenged the FPI war while threatening the disbandment of FPI.

Then on November 21, 2020 DUDUNG deployed the War Troops with Panzer and full weapons to take down the IB-HRS Welcome BALIHO in Petamburan and throughout Jakarta.

On December 7, 2020 DUDUNG accompanied the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Pol Fadil Imran held a PRESS RELEASE regarding the MURDERING of 6 FPI Troops BY AUTHORITIES which contained FAKE DESCRIPTIONS and FAKE EVIDENCE.

With all his services, DUDUNG is now appointed as PANGKOSTRAD.

5) KAPOLRI GENERAL POLI IHAM AZIZ on November 21 instructing all POLDA and POLRES as well as POLSEK to Reduce Billboards Welcome to IB-HRS throughout Indonesia.

And on December 3, 2020

The National Police Chief Idham Aziz threatens to brush off IB-HRS and his FPI.

6) KAPOLDA METRO JAYA IRJEN POL FADIL IMRAN on December 4, 2020 Kapolda threatened to brush IB-HRS and kill FPI.

METRO POLDA since early December 2020 formed 3 GROUPS from the RESMOB unit, not 3 people, but 3 groups, for INTAI and KUNTIT IB-HRS without COURT PERMISSION, even though IB-HRS are not SUSPECTS and not DPOs, even as WITNESS IN PROCESS CASES have not been examined .

On December 5, 2020, the Polda Team used a drone to spy on the IB-HRS Residence at Mutiara Sentul Residence, Bogor. And several cars were parked at all residential entrances for several days, each car containing several people staying in the car on reconnaissance duty.

It is strongly suspected that the INTAI and KUNTIT IB-HRS Illegal Operations targeted were *"ABISIT IB-HRS"*.

And on the 7th of December 2020 in the morning the IB-HRS delegation and their families escorted by FPI Laskars were followed and picked up on the Jakarta - Cikampek Toll Road, up to 6 bodyguards were shot at, then kidnapped and tortured and brutally massacred by the POLICE TEAM from POLDA METRO JAYA who assigned by the Chief of Police.

Then, on the same day in the afternoon, the KAPOLDA METRO FADIL IMRAN accompanied by PANGDAM JAYA DUDUNG held a PRESS RELEASE regarding the MURDERING OF 6 FPI Troops BY APPOINTMENTS, which contained FAKE DESCRIPTIONS and FAKE EVIDENCE.

The PRESS RELEASE has spread a PUBLIC LIE that 10 FPI Laskars grabbed the officers with a car, then attacked the officers with rifles and sajams, then shot by the officers in a measured manner, so that 6 soldiers died and 4 others fled. Whereas the FACT is that the 6 Laskar FPI were unarmed and kidnapped alive without a fight and taken to KM 50 alive, then taken to the TORTURE HOUSE to be brutally tortured, tortured and massacred.


In the South Jakarta District Court Session on October 26, 2021, the Witness of the Resmob of the Metro Jaya Police, Aipda Toni Suhendar and other police witnesses, acknowledged that the INTAI and KUNTIT IB-HRS Assignments were issued by the Directorate General of Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Pol. Tubagus Adi Hidayat, and the team was divided into THREE GROUPS.

8) ALL TEAM MEMBERS must be brought to the Human Rights Court, including:

a. AKBP Handik Zusen as Commander of the KM 50 Massacre Operation.

b. AKP Widy Irawan driver of the Black Land Cruiser.

c. AKP Rulian Syauri who transported 6 Laskars from KM 50.

d. Ipda Elwira Priyadi Zendrato has died due to an accident, it is said that according to the Metro Police, he was the perpetrator of the Laskar shooting.

e. Ipda M Yusmin Ohorella, who is currently the victim of a suspect in the South Jakarta District Court but NOT DETERMINED.

f. Bripka Faisal Khasbi Alaeya as a member of the TIM.

g. Bripka Adi Ismanto as a member of the TIM.

h. Bripka Gintur Pamungkas as a member of the TIM.

i. Brigadier Fikri Ramadhan Tawainella, who is currently the victim of a suspect at the South Jakarta District Court, but is NOT DETERMINED.

And others whose names are still being hidden by Polda Metro Jaya.


In addition to all the names mentioned above, the Palace BuzzeRp and their coaches should also be ASKED FOR INFORMATION, because from before the IB-HRS returned to Indonesia until the time they returned until the time of the KM 50 Tragedy, even today, they are all massive and systematically carry out attacks against IB-HRS with various tendentious statements, often in the form of insults and threats, as well as CHARACTER KILLING.

Therefore all, on this *Youth Pledge Day* 28 October 2021, we ask Commission 3 of the Indonesian House of Representatives to encourage the KM 50 Tragedy Case to be brought to an independent and authoritative human rights court, so that all who are directly or indirectly involved can be ASKED. INFORMATION to reveal who is the BRAIN and the mastermind as well as the PERFORMANCE OF THE SADIST TORTURE and MASSAGE against *SIX YOUTH INDONESIAN*, as well as revealing the existence of the HOUSE OF TORTURE which is very dangerous for Law Enforcement in Indonesia based on the ALMIGHTY GOD.

Hopefully all those responsible for the KM 50 Tragedy will soon be revealed and punished with the appropriate punishment according to the laws in force in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Amen.

Wassalaamu 'Alaikum Wa Rohamatullaahi Wa Barokaatuh,

Jakarta, October 28, 2021

*IB-HRS Advocate Team & KM 50 Victim's Family.*