Pernyataan Sikap DPP FPI terkait kezaliman Israel terhadap Iran
Senin, 15 April 2024
Sehubungan dengan serangan balasan yang dilakukan Iran atas Zionis Israel yang disebabkan pengeboman kantor kedutaan Iran pada wilayah negara Suriah sehingga menyebabkan tewasnya beberapa petinggi militer dan pegawai diplomatik Iran, kami Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Front Persaudaraan Islam menyatakan:
1. MENGUTUK dan MELAKNAT serta MENGECAM KERAS tindakan Zionisme Israel beserta semua negara yang telah membantunya yang secara nyata melakukan GENOSIDA dan KEJAHATAN PERANG serta PELANGGARAN BERAT HUKUM INTERNASIONAL baik kepada rakyat Palestina maupun negara-negara muslim sekitar;
2. Serangan-serangan Zionis Israel dengan sokongan sekutunya, terutama Amerika Serikat, menunjukkan watak asli Imperialisme dan Kolonialisme Barat yang demi kepentingan penjajahan mereka, telah nyata berulang kali melakukan pelanggaran berat Hak Asasi Manusia maupun instrumen hukum Internasional lainnya;
3. MENDUKUNG PENUH perlawanan SAH Rakyat Palestina, Yaman dan Iran atas penjajahan Zionis Israel dan sekutunya, serta menyerukan agar negara-negara Islam, terutama INDONESIA, untuk bergabung melakukan perlawanan terhadap Zionis Israel dan sekutunya demi kemerdekaan bumi suci Al Quds dari cengkraman kotor Zionis Israel dan sekutunya;
4. MENUTUT Pemerintah Indonesia konsisten dengan amanat Konstitusi UUD 1945, menjadikan penjajahan sebagai musuh dan ancaman nyata bagi kepentingan Nasional Republik Indonesia;
5. Menyerukan kepada seluruh Umat Islam bersatu padu dan mengesampingkan perbedaan suku, bahasa, madzhab dan lain sebagainya, untuk BERJIHAD membela kemerdekaan rakyat Palestina serta kesucian Masjid Al Aqsho dari tangan kotor penjajah Zionis Israel.
Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat, Semoga Allah SWT menangkan perjuangan Umat Islam dalam memerdekakan Masjid Al Aqsho dan Rakyat Palestina.
In connection with the retaliatory attack carried out by Iran against Zionist Israel that was caused by the bombing of the Iranian embassy in Syria, which resulted the deaths of several high-ranking Iranian military and diplomatic employees, we, the Central Leadership Council of the Islamic Brotherhood Front, stated:
1. WE STRONGLY CONDEMN the actions of Zionist Israel and all the countries that have helped it which have actually committed GENOCIDE and WAR CRIMES as well as GROSS VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW both against the Palestinian people and surrounding Muslim countries;
2. Zionist Israel's attacks with the support of its allies, especially the United States, show the true character of Western Imperialism and Colonialism which, for the sake of their colonial interests, has repeatedly committed serious violations of Human Rights and other international legal instruments;
3. FULLY SUPPORTS the LEGITIMATE resistance of the Palestinian, Yemeni and Iranian people to the colonialism of Zionist Israel and its allies, and calls on Islamic countries, especially INDONESIA, to join in resistance against Zionist Israel and its allies for the independence of the holy land of Al Quds from the dirty grip of Zionist Israel and its allies;
4. DEMAND that the Indonesian Government is consistent with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, making colonialism an enemy and a real threat to the national interests of the Republic of Indonesia;
5. Calling on all Muslims to unite and put aside differences in ethnicity, language, madhhab and so on, to JIHAD for the independence of the Palestinian people and the sanctity of the Al Aqsho Mosque from the dirty hands of the Zionist Israel Occupier.
Thus this statement was made, May Allah SWT win the struggle of the Muslim Ummah in liberating the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian People.